
Newick Builder 0.3

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Reload undo redo Delete Selection Clear All ZoomIN Center ZoomOUT Newick String


Newick Builder (v.0.3) is a JavaScript application, written by Alix Boc (March 2011), to create a Newick string from a tree drawn using the HTML5 Canvas utility. This application has been originally designed to be used on a touch screens such as tablets (e.g., iPad).

Options :
  • Draw lines

  • Select branch(es) and node(s):
    • Draw a line that intersects with the branch(es) to be selected.
    • Draw a circle around the node(s) to be selected. If you encircle a node, all the branches connected to this node will be selected.

  • Delete branch(es) and node(s):
    • First, select the branch(es) or node(s) to be deleted.
    • Click on the "Delete Selection" button on the toolbar (on the bottom of the screen). All selected elements will be deleted.
    • Click on the "Delete All" button on the toolbar to clear the canvas.

  • Edit leaves:
    • Click on an external node (i.e., a leaf) to define its label.

  • Move branch(es) and node(s):
    • First, select the branch(es) or node(s) to be moved.
    • If you drew a circle to select branch(es) or node(s), click inside the circle, move the selection and then release it.

  • View Newick String:
    • Click on the "Newick String" button that will allow you to display a Newick String (this option will work only if the tree you drew is a valid phylogenetic tree).

The Newick string will be written in the text area located above the canvas.
All the nodes of a valid unrooted tree must have the degree greater than or equal to 3.
A valid rooted tree must have one internal node of degree 2. All other nodes of a valid rooted tree must have the degree greater than or equal to 3.
You can then visualize the phylogenetic tree corresponding to the provided Newick string using the Newick viewer program available on the T-REX web server.

More details on the Newick format
For comments, bugs and/or help, please send me a message to:

Newick String


Newick String:


Tree QRcode Save Load Mail View on TREX